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Online Courses

Showing 15

Customize Task Submission Notification Email

Task submission notification email (in A5) currently uses User Name to identify who has submitted the task. Our company uses a number as the user name. Each time a task is submitted, the reviewer has to go into the system to determine who submitte...
over 3 years ago in Admin Experience / Task Lessons 1 Currently Available

When sending task notification; allow the name of user to be used instead of learner username

It is very frustrating when sending task notifications to managers, it will only allow us to use the Learner Username instead of the learner's actual name. Nothing worse than getting an email and all you see is their employee number and have to lo...
over 1 year ago in Task Lessons 1 Currently Available

Course Image Recommended Size

Course image/thumbnail recommended size to be displayed on the course builder tool either as background info or a hover over tooltip.
almost 3 years ago in Online Courses 1 Currently Available

Add Language course filter

The integration with Linkedin Learning is great. However, when filtering courses is not possible to filter the language of the course. A new filter should be added.
about 1 year ago in Online Courses 1 Currently Available

Groups or Sections of a Course

Allow multiple groups of learners within the same course. These groups could interact with each other, message each other, collaborate within their groups. Instructor could send message to individual group. Option for groups to see other groups bu...
over 2 years ago in Online Courses 1 Currently Available