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Course Uploads

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Notifications for Course Uploads

Hi Please add a notification for each course upload (even when it is pending for approval). We use this for course assessments and I do not like using the Tasks notifications. They cannot be submitted again by the same learner or deleted if they w...
over 1 year ago in Admin Experience / Course Uploads 0

Course upload attach in Transcript

Whatever is uploaded onto the course (for example a signed checklist) as a course upload should show on the transcript for the user. That way they have access to it.(the documentation with the course) So they could click on the transcript and see ...
almost 3 years ago in Course Uploads / Learner Experience 1

Allow learners to re-upload their course uploads.

Many of our learners want to go back and make edits to their course uploads upon completion. Our forms are not pass/fail. They are to be worked on for long periods of time and are specific to the learner. We understand that others may need their c...
about 2 years ago in Course Uploads 1

Allow Bulk Approval of Course Uploads

When performing approval functions as an Admin, we should be able to use the Couse Uploads report to filter by student and select multiple upload lines for a bulk approval. Being required to individually select each line, then approve is clumsy an...
over 1 year ago in Admin Experience / Course Uploads 1 Future Consideration

Automatic Course Uploads to Mobile App

The current process to upload a course onto the Mobile App is tedious having to do it individually. There should be a way that the platform is navigated the same way as a desktop.
about 2 years ago in Course Uploads / Mobile App 0