The integration with Linkedin Learning is great. However, when filtering courses is not possible to filter the language of the course. A new filter should be added.
about 1 year ago
in Online Courses
Currently Available
Our instructors would like to be able to sort the classes by instructor and then be able to pin that report. It makes it easier for them to go in and correct their class information without having to scroll through all classes.
As a university our weekly lessons contains assignments. students in almost all HE courses has to submit some sort of assignment in a text, video, pdf or audio formats. its essential to have an upload function within a lesson or after a lesson.
Reveiwer notification email add learner first / last name and learner email address
We use single sign on with our ADP system. The Reviewer notification email doesn't use the learners first and last name or learner email address so the reviewer knows who it is or how to contact them. Currently the only option is Learner username....
Often times we will have the same venue but have different classrooms identified for the ILT sessions. Need an additional field that automatically shows within the email templates to direct students to the correct classroom location.
Instead of saying “you must complete these five courses in order to get this badge/fulfill this prerequisite”, we would like the option to say “you must complete three out of these five courses in order to get this badge/fulfill this prerequisite”.
Sort Course Dropdown in Course Evaluations Report Alphabetically
The default order for courses in the course dropdown in the Course Evaluations report doesn't seem to follow any specific pattern. Please add the option to sort these alphabetically.
almost 3 years ago
in Reporting
Currently Available