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Curricula Activity Report - Multi-Course/Curricula Reporting

Thank you for making multiple courses available in the Course Activity Report. Is there a timetable for when the Curricula Activity Report will allow for multiple courses/curricula/titles within a single report as well? Thank you.
over 1 year ago in Reporting 7

Billboard looping (Accessibility concern)

Billboard looping should have the ability to pause or not loop at all and users manually advance themselves for accessibility purposes. Slowing down the loop does not meet accessibility standards.
6 months ago in Billboards 1 Unreviewed
170 VOTE

Sort by due date in My Courses

Currently, there isn't an option in the learner's My Courses that enables them to sort according to due date in the card view. The learner can only filter by things like date enrolled, expiry date, etc. This would be incredibly helpful for our org...
over 3 years ago in Learner Experience 11 Currently Available

Incorporate Certificate Expiration in Manager Experience

Complaincy is highly regulated in our industry. We regulary need to provide certificates and completiion records to federal agencies - our employeees are not the most tech savy and rarley use email. Our Managers are required to ensure that their l...
8 days ago in Manager Experience 0 Unreviewed

Greater Versatility Managing Administrators

Our business offers annual training for technicians throughout our dealer network. We have departmental admins at these locations to help us manage the technicians who are the main audience for our on-line program. The system administrator sets up...
8 days ago in Admin Experience 0 Unreviewed

Add report of all managers and their direct reports

I need to get a list of all managers and their direct reports out of the system, so HR can double check. Simple enough request but only the 'manager' column can be added, there isn't a direct reports column in the users list.
22 days ago in Admin Experience 1 Unreviewed

New courses - Ribbon

When courses are being discontinued, a notification ribbon appears at the top of the Content Catalog. Could you please add another ribbon (different color?) to announce new courses in the catalog?
29 days ago in Amplify 0 Reviewed

Date Equals Filter should include option to enter a date

Currently you can only choose "After, Before, Between, Equals" Equals only allows you choose "Today, This Month, This Quarter, This Year, Yesterday, Last Week, Last Month, Last Quarter, Last Year" , There should be an option to enter an exact date.
4 months ago in Reporting 1 Unreviewed

Automatically populate direct reports for Manager Experience

It is a huge administrative burden to have to manually select someone's direct reports for each manager in the new Manager Experience view. It should automatically be pulling from the Supervisor field in the LMS.
almost 2 years ago in Manager Experience 23 Currently Available
167 VOTE

Offer more interactive quiz types than just multiple choice

Offer more interactive quiz types than just multiple choice . Drag and drop preselections into sentence locations or over images and connect images/text with lines would all be great editions to the quiz taking experience and adds for better proof...
about 3 years ago in Learner Experience 5 Low Probability of Delivery