We are trying to use Absorb for certification testing, but we need to make questions and question banks available to SMEs for review, without giving them administrative access to the question banks. Since Absorb does not provide a report that can ...
Automatic Enrolment for Learner at the top of an ILC Waitlist
As opposed to manually enrolling learners from a waitlist, having a feature to automatically assign a learner on this waitlist, would be a hugely beneficial addition.
Pre-admin refresh, there was a preview button for certificates. Especially for building custom ones, this made it very easy to verify everything was working. Now, you have to enroll in the course and mark yourself completed just to preview it.
Individualized description for autogenerated re-enrollments
I have received feedback several times within my organization regarding the same idea: Is it possible or would it be possible to have specific/unique re-enrollment messages for different courses that automatically enroll users when they are coming...
Course Duration Mass Porting from Go1 to Absorb (while converting courses)
Right now there is no automatic porting of the duration of the course from Go1 to Absorb. Ideally on the Course Catalog, the learner should be able to see the expected duration of each course but this cannot be included at a mass setting but needs...
If I replace a scorm file or remove a section/group in the course it doesn't update the 'date edited' time/date stamp. This is very difficult to know when the most recent file was added. It is also not accurate as the last 'date edited' should be ...
add capability for alt text descriptions to all images uploaded to the LMS
Please implement alt text for all images that can be uploaded to the LMS according to WCAG 1.1 https://www.w3.org/WAI/WCAG21/quickref/?versions=2.0#text-alternatives. I assume Absorb LMS has not implemented this WCAG item for LMS images based on t...
Add Spreadsheet Import Support for Enrollments and Groups
Currently, the only way to add an existing user for a course Enrollment, or to add a user to a Group, is manually, one at a time. Please add Spreadsheet import support for Enrollments and Groups to dramatically reduce Admin administrative burden.
Estimated time to complete - remove minimum and have the actual average time calculated
The Estimated Time to Complete appears at a minimum of 15 minutes. This means that any course which is calculated as taking less than 15 minutes (and shows as such on the admin side) will still show 15 minutes on the learner side. This seems an od...