When creating courses, we include pdf forms for the learners to download. To add the forms, we insert a download icon, select Action > On click > Download a file > Choose a file and upload the pdf. Some of the forms appear in multiple cou...
Improved interface navigation for content reviewers in Absorb Create
We request a more efficient and user-friendly way for users with review permissions in Absorb Create (access to comment but not with a Create license) to access the content they need to review. Currently, these users can only access the content vi...
When entering dates in enrolment rules, report criteria etc. there is no option to enter relative dates (e.g. within the last X days etc.). In many cases you need relative as opposed to absolute (before X date) dates. This missing functionality cr...
Right now, there is one global template for course evaluations. We are now wanting to add required standardized evaluations to our courses and have different questions for ILC vs Online. We will have to choose which we will use the template defaul...
In the "Courses" list, we should be able to add a column for the course's tags. The whole point of tags is to be able to sort by them, yet it's not an option. Makes no sense.
I would like the ability to overwrite any field set for existing users with an enrollment key. For example: An enrollment key is configured, and that key is set to place the user in department 'X'. If a new user uses the key - they are placed in d...
In the manager experience, when searching for content to assign, make the searching experience similar to the catalog searching. My managers are struggling to find the course they need if they don't have the exact title.