We are trying to use Absorb for certification testing, but we need to make questions and question banks available to SMEs for review, without giving them administrative access to the question banks. Since Absorb does not provide a report that can ...
In the "Courses" list, we should be able to add a column for the course's tags. The whole point of tags is to be able to sort by them, yet it's not an option. Makes no sense.
Ability to add more than 6 departments in the Course Enrollment Status by Department
I am customizing many of our training dashboards in excel outside of Absorb because we are a large employer with many divisions and departments. I would like to see more options in the dashboards for less manual work. It would be helpful to compar...
The ability for SCORM dispatch packages to be distributed to external users (e.g. clients). The Absorb LMS hosted content/SCORM package is distributed to a client where they can upload and access the content on their own respective LMS, however th...
Add Spreadsheet Import Support for Enrollments and Groups
Currently, the only way to add an existing user for a course Enrollment, or to add a user to a Group, is manually, one at a time. Please add Spreadsheet import support for Enrollments and Groups to dramatically reduce Admin administrative burden.
Adding the ability to select "Notes" and "Contains" to the Availability Rules for Courses, Resources, Etc. would allow for better custom management of access.
In the manager experience, when searching for content to assign, make the searching experience similar to the catalog searching. My managers are struggling to find the course they need if they don't have the exact title.
When making evaluations required for course completion, the questions themselves are not mandatory, so this allows the user to skip the questions and just click 'submit'. This defeats the purpose of making it required. Please make both the evaluat...