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Space bar and arrows for video playback

It would be nice if the space bar on your keyboard could pause/resume video playback and if the arrow keys (back/forward) could advance or rewind the video by 5 seconds. Similar to features in YouTube, this would make it easier for people who like...
11 months ago in Learner Experience 0 Unreviewed

Approvals should have date and time stamp

To manage approvals a date and time stamp of when user enrolled on report is critical to monitor response time
over 2 years ago in Reporting 1 Unreviewed

Sort Fields in Enrollment Form

Seems it would be relatively easy to have the flexibility to sort fields in an enrollment form. Especially as LMS's get built out, there will be a need to add custom fields. But there's no way to sort built in or custom fields. So fields ultimatel...
3 months ago in Core LMS 0 Unreviewed

Multi-Language Categories

Allow translations to be applied / set-up for course categories, so that all users can navigate the catalogue in their preferred language.
9 months ago in Core LMS 1 Unreviewed

Include Task records in Salesforce Integration

Currently, we use Tasks submissions to verify some external hands-on exercises that go along with our courses. Managing the tasks from 30+ courses is very cumbersome, as tasks have to be managed one course at a time with no overview report. While ...
9 months ago in Salesforce 1 Fair Probability of Delivery

New File Manager: Toggle off suggested images

The suggested images are unlikely to be used by my team, and are often inaccurate or unapplicable. Please consider the option to toggle the suggestions ribbon off in the file manager, as it is unnecessary.
about 2 years ago in Admin Experience 0 Unreviewed

Change "Delete User" button to Red

Had a few near-misses, almost deleting a selected user, rather than "Deselecting" them. The two buttons are right next to each other, and both start with "De". Suggest changing the color of "Delete" to red, and possibly adding a "Are you sure?" po...
over 2 years ago in Admin Experience 1 Currently Available

Assign Roles Using Rules (similar to Auto-Enrollment)

We would like to assign a Role based on certain criteria. For example, our API brings all Supervisors in as an Admin; if they are an Admin they need permissions to enroll users in a course. So if they are a Supervisor/Admin then we would like them...
over 3 years ago in Admin Experience 1 Reviewed

Re-enrollment Triggered Based on New Document Version Uploaded

Add-on to document versioning idea. We need a way to automatically re-enroll students in courses based on the version of a document changing or if the version of a course is updated.
about 3 years ago in Admin Experience 1 Unreviewed

Improve tool tip feature

It would be helpful if the tooltip feature could offer the same editing abilities. For example, the ability to edit images or change size of an image without modifying text
over 1 year ago in Create 0 Unreviewed