Currently, e-mail notification can only be turned on/off for all users at the same time. By enabling per-user-e-mail-settings (seemingly already available for conversations etc.), users are not bothered by unwanted e-mails regarding course enrollm...
Currently Version History is available at the course and user level. However, clients require the ability to pull a system report that shows all Version History including course/user name, who has made changes, date/timestamp, and what was changed.
It would be nice to filter report columns by no data. For example I would specifically like to filter the last logged in or first logged in columns by empty, so that I could easily see and reach out to users who have never logged into our LMS inst...
Courses in Curriculum should be individually assignable outside of curriculum.
When I assign a curriculum with several courses inside, I'd expect there to be a time in the future that I would like to individually assign a single course without a user needing to go back to the curriculum to complete the training.
with no ability to mark a question as optional, we would need an "n/a" option for some of our questions as they ask about something that may or may not be relevant every time. It would be easier to do this than it would to edit the questions anyti...
over 2 years ago
in Admin Experience
Low Probability of Delivery
Better GA integration so we can track user experiences
Would like the ability to track the following: Tracking: Tracking user clicks Tracking: Track deliverability, open, click-through rates from emails sent through Absorb - metrics for emails sent through absorb, when an admin sends an email in the h...
Update enrollment report to show most recent enrollment automatically
We would like to update the enrollment report so we can see the most recent and relevant enrollments actually. Also would like to be able to see which curricula the course is part of.
In Create, if we accidentally delete a page there is no way of getting it back. It would be great to have a recycle bin within a course being edited just in case. We've had this happen a couple of times and had to rebuild pages.