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Support multiple custom SMTPs

Ability to support multiple custom SMTPs so that different divisions/departments can have their own custom SMTP for LMS emails. Ideally the course rules based on department would drive the "sender" of an email notification from the LMS
almost 2 years ago in Core LMS 0

Enable filter by Catalog Categories on Tiles if you turn on "hide categories from catalog view"

We do not want to show our category folders as it is nice to see all the content and courses you have. But if you toggle on the "Always Hide Categories" in the template>courses>catalog when you create a "Catalog Tile" on the dashboard it ign...
about 2 years ago in  0

Add 'External ID' to Dropdown Filter Choices in Groups / Rules

Hi, Please add the User field called "External ID" to be a dropdown choice when I'm creating a Rule in User/Groups. Thanks,Rick
almost 2 years ago in Admin Experience 1 Low Probability of Delivery

Make player stop playing online courses when users select another tab, window, or program

Presently the player in Absorb will continue to play an online learning program when a user has selected another application, program tab, or window. When using a review program such as Articulates review 360, their player stops when anything is s...
over 1 year ago in Online Courses 0

Ability to set rules for Featured Courses and Mandatory Courses

Use Case: We use Absorb for our internal teams and therefor our different teams need different materials. In a particular case, we rolled out a course which we wanted to appear as mandatory for our CSMs only, but we still wanted other departments ...
over 2 years ago in Learner Experience 0

Add line manager name to reports

After launching some mandatory training on Absorb it would be useful to include the users line manager within the course activity reports. For example, for everyone who is overdue on the training we could then easily contact their line managers to...
over 2 years ago in Reporting 0 Reviewed

Customizable title for meeting request in ILC custom Session enrollment message

We have learned that no matter what we put in the subject line box for a custom Session enrollment message, the name/title on the meeting request line will be "Course Name - Session Name". The learner sees this in the Microsoft Outlook calendar, f...
11 months ago in Instructor Led Courses 0

Option to remove comment function from Collaborations

At times we use the collaborations function to share information with groups of learners - if there was the option to remove the comment feature for just certain collaborations this would be helpful due to regulations.
almost 2 years ago in Engage 0

Customize Analyze Essentials Emails

Currently in Inform you can customize the email that goes out with the scheduled report. We would like to see this feature return for Analyze Essentials reporting if possible.
11 months ago in Analyze Essentials 0

Show Filter Names in Analyze Dashboard

From the Analyze dashboard page, it is not possible to see some of the names of the filters being used, and many filters appear the same. For example, I have a filter on a dashboard that just says "Is Deleted". I have no way to figure out what is ...
over 1 year ago in Analyze 0