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Enroll button on a course content window needs to be moved

I've had 15 new hires this week keep missing where to click to enroll into a curriculum. I have a tile on the dashboard then when clicked takes them directly to the curriculum they need to complete. They open the course content window and dependin...
over 1 year ago in Learner Experience 0

Course Enrolment / Visibility Rules - Make it Visible only to People Managers

Business Use Case: We have a business requirement that certain courses apply only to the Manager and Leadership levels. Currently, we don't have any option by default in the Self Enrollment rules section to make the courses visible only to Manager...
12 months ago in Admin Experience / Manager Experience / Reporting 0 Reviewed

Filter Users by completed/not enrolled for specific courses

It would be massively useful to be able to filter users with the filter option of 'completed', 'incomplete' or 'not enrolled' in a designated course. For example, I have a group of 2k new hires in the last 3 months, some of which received the new ...
12 months ago in Admin Experience 1 Currently Available

Separate Admin & Reviewer Roles

I would like someone to be Admin and Reviewer but with different User access. Scenario: I have a Lead of a department I want to be able to be admin for the whole department. This includes Transcripts & enrollment access for those users/ The Le...
over 1 year ago in Admin Experience 1 Low Probability of Delivery

My Completed Courses Section

Can we have a section to segregate out completed courses for learners so that they can differentiate the course on the dashboard when they login?
over 1 year ago in Learner Experience 1

Google Calendar Integration - Ability to Edit

We need the calendar to have better functionality and to show useful information. If a calendar event can be edited using Google Calendar that syncs to the system, we can fix it ourselves.
over 3 years ago in Instructor Led Courses / Integration 1 Reviewed

Customizable Learner Login Page

The ability to configure the layout and format of the Learner Login page would enable a more cohesive and deliberate design prior to the user accessing the LMS
over 3 years ago in Core LMS / Learner Experience 4

Option to Display Additional Statuses for Courses in the Catalog

Currently it is possible to indicate that Courses are Mandatory or Featured, additional or custom statuses would enable the ability to communicate further relevant labels and surface these courses to Learners
over 3 years ago in Admin Experience / Core LMS / Learner Experience 1 Reviewed

Add admin notification when new LinkedIn Learning content is available.

Add a notification for administrators that notifies them when new or updated content is available and ask if they would like to update now. Right now, admins have to go to the admin view, select the market place content whether LinkedIn Learning o...
over 1 year ago in Admin Experience 1

Generate Report File - Not require admin to create a saved layout first

Can admins have the ability to save adhoc reports (course lists, user lists etc) to an Excel file without first having to make into a saved layout? Every week I get asked to check on various things and create various custom reports. After filterin...
almost 3 years ago in Admin Experience / Reporting 2 Currently Available