I wanted to inquire if you could revise the calendar feature to be a training calendar of upcoming events as opposed to a personal calendar of registered events? This way, when overall trainings are coming up, we can see all of them at one time.
Create multiple layout options (templates) for dashboards
Having the ability to quickly select a layout template that suits your organizational needs would be fabulous. It helps to diversify the landing page users experience, it allows for less scrolling and the ability to effectively organize and presen...
Deducting amounts from total coupon value would allow users to apply a large coupon amount to numerous transactions, instead of the current configuration that applies the full coupon amount to a selected purchase regardless of total cost.
Add ability to "suggest" course or curricula without requiring it
Having the ability to suggest content to users based upon their role, versus merely placing on the "featured courses" tiles or requiring that the user take the content would be advantageous in driving exploration of content.
Most of our billboards are used to link to courses. It seems as though it should be easier than having to go retrieve a course link and paste it. Would love to see an option in addition to file/url to be "course, and the admin can choose from the ...
Allow Learners to Choose What Information Other Learners can see in their Social Profile
Right now, admin choose what information is visible in social profiles from the Portal Settings. Learners should have the option to choose what information of theirs is visible to other learners. Different learners may have different privacy prefe...
Option to Hide Reported or Flagged Posts from Collaborations Activity Report
Admin should be able to hide flagged posts that have been deemed inappropriate. This way the post still exists for admin to review and admin can report on the flagging history to see what kinds of inappropriate content has been posted or if there ...