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Add a warning to the auto enroll all users feautre

Several of our content creators accidentally auto enroll all users, causing a frenzy. It would be great if we could add some kind of bold/highlighted verbiage that says something along the lines of "This will enroll All Learners across the entire ...
over 2 years ago in Admin Experience 0 Unreviewed

Back button on tile filtered by category takes you back to catalog instead of where you were

On the learner dashboard if you use the Catalog tile and filter by category to direct users easier (eg. ILC or Video Courses) once they are in there if they hit the "back" button it does not take them back but takes them to the catalog. We don't e...
over 2 years ago in Learner Experience 0 Unreviewed

Set a passing % grade in a learning object, under the lesson contains assessment section, using the scorm score.

When you have a quiz in a Scorm file and load it as a learning object in the LMS, there is no functionality to set the % to pass the learning object. The LMS will record what the Scorm file reports as the grade but will not allow me to require a %...
about 3 years ago in Assessment Lessons / Learner Experience 1 Unreviewed

Link to navigate from video lesson back to course.

I love that you can access video lesson content directly from the search results especially with pinpoint, but once the video lesson is launched there isn't a way to jump from that video content to the course it is a part of. It would be really he...
about 3 years ago in Learner Experience 1 Currently Available

Reviewer Tile for Learner Dashboard

Would be real nice to have a tile option that links to the Reviewer experience just like the Admin tile option. The difference between this and the hyperlink would be that only Reviewers would see it.
over 2 years ago in Learner Experience 0 Unreviewed

Integrate with Poll Everywhere for interactive learner engagement during live webinars

My organization has been searching for a way to actively engage with learners during a live, synchronous training - a la the functionalities included in Poll Everywhere. We want users to be able to login to a live vILT through Absorb, directly int...
over 2 years ago in Create 1 Unreviewed

defaults for creating course

On the portal/admin side, there should be a default for all "Add Online Courses". Would love to set "add online courses" to always choose the following: language : English estimated time to complete: set automatic (unless i change it) Always turn ...
about 3 years ago in Admin Experience 0 Unreviewed

Curriculum Requirements Based on Job Title

Each year, our employees are required to complete "Annual Training" which now is several different curriculum due to Job Titles effecting which courses they actually need to take. A supervisor will have to take more than an entry level employee. A...
over 1 year ago in Curriculum 0 Unreviewed

Static date of birth field

Hello, We have a custom field created on our absorb portal to capture a learners date of birth. When a learner is in a different timezone to UTC e.g. UTC plus 1. The custom date field takes the date entered by the learner at the time they create t...
over 2 years ago in Learner Experience 0 Unreviewed

Admin Permissions by Section

It would be great if I could assign someone a role to edit/modify users, even if that user has a role with different permissions. Requiring a role to have full control over courses when the scope of their work is adding or updating user profiles s...
10 months ago in Admin Experience 2 Currently Available