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Expand RESTful API Calls - Specifically POST and PUT

The API is a useful tool for automating tasks, but the current version is limited. For example, there are no POST or PUT calls for Courses. It would be helpful to update course properties using the API rather than editing each course individually....
over 3 years ago in Integration / RESTful API V1.5 0

eComm enrollment trigger

Messaging should change on dashboard when course is purchased and/or upon enrollment after learner validates email address.
over 2 years ago in Learner Experience 0

Add a course to curricula from the Edit Course screen.

We sometimes create courses that can be placed in multiple curricula or learning paths. For example -- content that belongs in both manager's and the front-line's learning paths. I'd love to be able to add the course to specified curricula while I...
over 2 years ago in Curriculum / Online Courses 0

Course Upload as Course Item/ Chapter

Course Uploads need to be able to be part of the Chapters course objects and not just at the end since you may have multiple and each specific to a chapter
over 2 years ago in Learner Experience 0

Updating a user via the API should not require providing non-required fields.

Calling api/Rest/v1/Users/{id} requires that you provide an email address along with other details. The admin interface does not require providing users with an email address. This means updating a user with the API may require "faking" their emai...
over 3 years ago in Integration / RESTful API V1.5 2 Currently Available

Poll Answers Display in Order

Currently when we add a poll, the possible answers are scrambled. I would like the ability to put the possible answers in a logical order and have it display that way to the learner as well.
over 3 years ago in Engage / Polls 0

User Field Registration Account Creation Multiple Selection and Other

We need to be able to allow users to select multiple answers during account creation. They also need to be able to select Other, then there be a space to write in their response, instead of having to add a second question below it.
over 2 years ago in Admin Experience 2 Reviewed

Assessment No Wrong Answer

We need to be able to include questions that have no right or wrong answer on the surveys
over 2 years ago in Admin Experience 1 Low Probability of Delivery

Option to print transcripts with certificates for a selected date range

More and more State licensing boards (for professional services) are requiring a PDF upload of all continuing education compliance information (including certificates as applicable). Absorb should provide and option to generate this report with mi...
over 2 years ago in Reporting 0

Ability to Re-Enroll Multiple Users into a Course

Currently, if one chooses to re-enroll all learners into an existing course due to changes made, an admin must either manually re-enroll every single user or duplicate the course and then enroll those users into the new course. This is very time c...
over 2 years ago in Admin Experience 0