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Unenroll and keep completion record

The ability to unenroll a learner from a course and, if they already completed the course, keep their record of completion visible on their transcript and enrollment history. Currently, if you unenroll a learner from a course (regardless of status...
about 1 year ago in Admin Experience 3 Unreviewed

Ability to use checklist in multiple courses

If a checklist has universal applicability, it would be great to be able to use the same checklist in multiple courses, rather than have to create separate but identical checklists for each course.
6 months ago in Reviewer Experience 0 Unreviewed

Course Summary Report missing "Created By" field

Course Summary Report is missing the "Created By" field. Please add it to the dropdown of available fields. Thanks,Rick Kerner
3 months ago in Admin Experience 0 Unreviewed

All Features on Mobile App

All feature should be available on the mobile app -- all courses, catalogs, resources, descriptions, leaderboards, messaging, etc.
about 2 years ago in Mobile App 11 Reviewed

Add a notes box for admin updates to explain why the update was made

There are times in LMS where updates are made to courses from another database to complete courses in LMS. Going in to LMS and completing a class for someone using the objective evidence from a prior completion seems fine, but it does not allow a ...
10 months ago in Admin Experience 1 Unreviewed

E-Signature Simplified

Currently, the E-Signature is designed for compliance with the U.S.'s Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and requires that the Learner enter either: Username and Password, or Username and PIN. For us, and any customer using Single-Sign-On, this f...
about 3 years ago in Admin Experience 8 Reviewed

Collaborations - notifications and tags

It would be really useful for the learners and facilitators to receive notifications either on their dashboard or in an email when a new collaboration is posted or a new comment is added. It would also be useful to have the ability to tag all or j...
about 1 year ago in Collaborations 3 Unreviewed

Add SCIM synchronization with Azure Active Directory

System for Cross-Domain Identity Management (SCIM) is an open standard protocol for automating the exchange of user identity information between identity domains and IT systems. All of our internal systems are moving to this approach as I am told ...
almost 2 years ago in RESTful API V1.5 12 Under Consideration

dashboard capabilities

I don't know if it's just me, but the newer dashboards are not very friendly to department leaders compared to the previous version. I can't find ways for the widgets to drill down to individual users, nor able to have the widgets link to the rele...
about 3 years ago in Admin Experience / Reporting 16 Under Consideration

User Group | Number of Times Used

Please add a feature that allows us to determine how many times a group has been used throughout the system. For example, when I click on a group called "Group 1", there should be a column titled "Times Used", that has a number like "3", indicatin...
about 1 month ago in Core LMS 0 Unreviewed