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Admin Categories vs Learner Categories

I want to be able to categorize courses on the admin side and not have those categories and sub categories viewable to learners ie Compliance Training with a sub category of Privacy, but I still want to be able to have Learner facing categories so...
over 2 years ago in Admin Experience 1 Low Probability of Delivery

Be able to configure accessibility features for scored course assessments

Currently, you cannot configure accessibility features (i.e. alt text and screen reader order, etc...) for scored assessments and assessments are not screen reader compliant. Not being WCAG 2.0 compliant is a big problem as we have many federal go...
about 1 year ago in Assessment Lessons 0

Ability to create data objects

As an admin, I would like the ability to create data objects like company website, location, facilities to further classify users by organization types outside of the department/group structure.
about 1 year ago in Admin Experience 0

Re - Enroll/ Expired mandatory Training

Enable the edit of re enrollment emails to say that the mandatory course is about to expiry instead of that the employee has been re enrolled as this could be confusing for individuals.
about 1 year ago in Learner Experience 0

Add left to right scroll or option to enlarge window on Question Details

Having the ability to scroll left to right or simply enlarging the window would allow for all fields to be visible. The Question Details actions is useless if there is no way to view all of the fields. It appears there is a character limit issue w...
over 2 years ago in Reporting 0

Session enrolment responses - visibility of acceptances

It would be useful to make visible the accept/tentative/decline responses from session enrolment emails generated from Absorb, particularly when running wider programmes in which we often auto-enrol people to ensure their calendars are blocked. Ho...
over 2 years ago in Integration 0

Allow the special character < in Absorb LMS passwords

Most other systems allow < in their passwords. It's not intuitive that < is not a valid character for Absorb LMS passwords which can cause frustration for the learner. Adding < as a valid character increases security and reduces frustrati...
over 2 years ago in Admin Experience 2 Currently Available

System Admin edit parent template no matter their department

Currently if someone in the Marketing department wants to edit the template for the Learner Experience I have to take them out of the Marketing department, put them in the parent department, and then put them back when they're done editing. If som...
about 1 year ago in Learner Experience 0

Not Posted

No description provided
about 1 year ago in eCommerce 0

Reports to be combined

Earlier when I used to combine multiple courses to extract a report, it was possible, now it does not happen
about 1 year ago in Admin Experience 1 Reviewed