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Status Low Probability of Delivery
Categories Admin Experience
Created by Guest
Created on Mar 24, 2022
Merged idea
This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit LMS-I-2562 Allow CC field for Course Messages in each Course.

Nudge Emailing: Custom Template - add text field to include any email adrdesses to be cced on reminders Merged

Under emailing in courses, curricula etc. ../nudge emails/ custom there are currently options only to choose to send also to

  • admin

  • supervisor

in additon to the learner

Please add here a text field in which admins can include 1 to several valid email addresses, so that someone else, who is not listed as admin or supervisor in the LMS can also receive those nudge emails and can keep track of course participants needing a reminder to complete the course.


Option to forward learner notificaitons (CC) to anyone on auto-notifications and emails

Right now, we can select administrators or supervisors to also receive auto-notifications that are sent to learners in a course. We would like the ability to select who receives the notification, outside of just admin or supervisor. Some people mo...
almost 2 years ago in Admin Experience 1 Low Probability of Delivery

Add "CC" and/or "BCC" to Message Template

It would be great if there was an option to activate a "cc" or "bcc" field to all the message templates if desired, particularly the course approval request email.
11 months ago in  1 Low Probability of Delivery