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Categories Admin Experience
Created by Guest
Created on Feb 21, 2023

Add "enrollment method" field to course/curricula activity reports.

I would like the ability to unenroll a large group of users who were automatically enrolled in a course but not self-enrolled. If I had the "enrollment method" field available under the course activity report, I could unenroll a mass amount of users by filtering this field.

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  • Guest
    May 29, 2023

    Similar to :

    I have a certificate that staff need to enroll into and then, hopefully the system is auto re-enrolling them into it every 2 years. What I don't know is if that is actually happening, because the enrollment method is not included on the curricula activity reports.

  • Guest
    May 23, 2023

    I couldn't agree more with this post. I have had several instances where I have to do some investigating on a course and whether the users were automatically enrolled or self enrolled and being able to see a dept in bulk is a really useful tool.

  • Guest
    Feb 27, 2023

    Being able to unenroll users in bulk is a required function. As use of the LMS grows, if someone makes a mistake in setting up rules incorrectly and therefore assigning training to the wrong people, we need to be able to rectify this. My previous LMS allowed you to upload a CSV file with the usernames you wanted to unenroll. I don't know if the solution mentioned here is the best way of doing it - I don't mind how it's achieved - but the use case is valid.