At the moment, Catalog card view shows the folders in the same way as it does in List view. it would be great if we could add an image to a Category in the same way you add one to a course thumbnail, then the card view could should the Category as a tile thumbnail rather than a folder list. This would help with engagement and a thumbnail would give the learner an idea of what kind of course to expect within the Category folder.
I agree. The current folder display is not very engaging and resembles a file explorer, which discourages learners from interacting. Switching to a tile view with thumbnails would likely increase engagement significantly.
Agree - tiles for the categories is very much needed to improve the user experience when browsing the catalogue.
Merge Idea LMS-I-3763
Please. The current UI for categories makes it nearly useless to many users as they miss the folders.
This would really make a huge difference to our business too, especially on the Global Resource section - it would make it a lot clearer for users on the type of content they will see under the caegories.
Visually it's far more impressive and user friendly to have tiles. This needs to be a feature :)
This adds more flexibility to the views. I like it!
I agree this would be so nice. Look at the attached on how it looks and how it could look?