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Status Unreviewed
Categories Online Courses
Created by Guest
Created on Jul 12, 2023

Updates to a Course

Courses are continually updated in our line of business. It would be great if we could have someway to notify a learner when there is an update to a course they have already been enrolled in and completed. At this time we are having to leave the course marked Re-enroll so that we can send emails out when there is an update.

  • Attach files

Re-enrollment email and mark courses "Not Started" when a new version of course is created

Currently when a new version of a course is created, the learner can be re-enrolled however there is no email that goes out nor does the course show as "Not Started" in the learner dashboard; it still shows as complete. This feature would be great...
4 months ago in Online Courses 0 Unreviewed