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Status Unreviewed
Categories Admin Experience
Created by Guest
Created on Oct 21, 2021

Ability to delete multiple courses/curricula at once

I think it would be extremely helpful and would save so much time to have the ability to delete multiple courses/curricula at a time. I understand that there are risks that someone may inadvertently delete muliple courses when they didn't mean to, but we have the ability to delete multiple users, multiple groups, multiple global resources, multiple enrollments, etc., which pose simliar risks.

It is extremely tedious for admins to have to delete courses one by one. For example, I had to delete 112 curricula today one at a time and it took me 15-20 min. Luckily, I don't have to do this very often, but I imagine that there are other clients who need to delete courses/curricula on a more regular basis.

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