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Created by Guest
Created on Nov 22, 2023

Admin Overdue Course Activity Report with Manager Field

I am currently tracking global compliance assignments for our organization and while I can pull a report to see which learners have not completed it, I do not have the ability to add the learner's manager to the report so that I can contact them as well to encourage the completion. I know managers can see their direct report information, but there are cases where they are not looking or are still learning the system. As the admin, I need this information to help support them and ensure the message is getting out. To get the info I needed, I had to pull a Course Activity Report and a User Report with Manager field added and then do a VLOOKUP to add the manager and their email address to the list of overdue learners. It is time consuming especially when you have to do this regularly at the end of the campaign and we have quarterly compliance requirements.

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