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Status Future Consideration
Created by Guest
Created on Oct 25, 2021
Merged idea
This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit LMS-I-2102 Reset lesson progress as an option when replacing object..

Revert completion status to "In Progress" when course information changes slightly.

This feature has been requested at least twice for curricula, but I would also like to see it applied to Courses. If there's a standing course that most of the organization has taken, but important information changes, we have to push those updates out to everyone, even those who have "completed" the prior course. it is not enough to keep creating new courses when most of the prior course still stands, just one particular lesson/factoid or learning object may have changed.

Currently, I was advised this is only possible by marking individual learners incomplete AND marking the specific changed lesson incomplete. This is something that has to be done one by one. This is not a viable solution to a very common need.

  • Guest
    Nov 2, 2023

    We would like to see this improvement as well. Another issue that we have encountered is that the Visual Progression chart remains at 100% if that learner had already completed all the courses in the curriculum. Adding courses later on does not regress the progression. This visual cue is just as important as the status.

  • Guest
    Sep 21, 2023

    This would be an essential feature for us. We've developed many curriculums and courses that we intend to add things to periodically over a long period of time. When we make these changes, we want our users to be aware, simply at a glance, that new changes have been made to a course they've already "completed", by reverting the "completion" status like this post describes. Having to manually reset every user's completion status one-by-one is not a viable solution for us, given our userbase. I also agree with other suggestions in these comments that this should simply be an option for certain courses/curriculums, and shouldn't be a widespread change.

  • Guest
    Aug 29, 2022

    Yes, I would love more options around this. If I update one learning object in a course that has important changes that every learner need to see, I would love to have the option to push this course back to learners with just that one learning object that needs to be taken again, while the others can remain completed. This is a HUGE and would love to see this implemented as other LMS's do have this option.

  • Guest
    Jan 26, 2022

    My request if this happens is if it's an OPTION to revert that completion status back to "in progress," as every change we make shouldn't dictate that everyone who had previously completed it now has to again.

  • Guest
    Dec 15, 2021

    We have a very similar need. When SCORM lesson content is updated, users already In Progress or Complete for that lesson aren't receiving the newest content due to data retained from the original SCORM package. There needs to be an option to reset lesson progress for users when updating SCORM packages so they can see the new content.

    For In Progress users, this reset would not impact their course status as they would still be In Progress with only the updated lessons reset. For users who have already completed the course, I think this should work like a re-enrollment with the historical completion indicated on their transcript. The course could then be set back to In Progress and the updated lessons reset. This way users don't need to re-do content that hasn't changed like they would with a traditional re-enrollment.