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Status Unreviewed
Categories Online Courses
Created by Guest
Created on Jul 23, 2024

Manage Courses and Course Categories within Department Settings

I need to mass select courses to appear in specific departments. Our LMS is structured so that there is one public department and multiple private departments which contain specific course offerings. In most cases, we want to be able to mass select courses by category/subject matter to appear in each department. Currently, it is a very manual process to ensure the courses appear where we want them.

It would be helpful to be able to manage courses that fall under specific categories within the Department settings of the platform without having to set individual enrollment rules in the settings of each course. We have the Max content package so this task is very tedious. I'd like to choose what course categories are available to users within that department by having the option to select: Courses available in department (by category, specific course, keyword) > Available to (users in Department X)

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Set permisson on category

We have multiple deparments and would like to give the option to structure their own categories in each department. Today we can either give them rights to see, create, edit, delete category or none - and then we must create all categories for all...
over 2 years ago in Admin Experience 0 Unreviewed

Add ability to limit visibility of a category by department

We use categories to customize tiles so users of departments can only see certain categories. But if they are in the catalog view they can still see all the categories. So need the ability to hide categories from departments so when they are in th...
over 1 year ago in Core LMS 0 Unreviewed