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Categories Admin Experience
Created by Guest
Created on Sep 12, 2021
Merged idea
This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit LMS-I-2937 Due date to be setup for users/department/group, overriding the course configuration.

Due Date Options Merged

The ability to configure different due dates for different groups of learners within a single course would reduce the overhead in creating multiple courses scoped to various groups of learners

  • Guest
    Mar 29, 2024

    I see that this idea has been reviewed, is there any update on if/when it will be available? This is a critical need for us!

  • Guest
    Mar 14, 2024

    Yes, we agree totally as well. We have a group that needed to get a course done by a certain date, and now everyone that enrolls gets the same date. This would be extremely beneficial. Hoping for it in the next release!

  • Guest
    Dec 1, 2023

    We really need this feature as well! We had a group of learners at our company who needed an extension on the due date of several all employee courses, and it's taken a lot of workarounds to inform them to ignore the 'past due' reminders. Each time they get a past due reminder, it has been a problem even with the workarounds my team has been doing. This is a very poor user experience for them.

  • Guest
    Nov 2, 2023

    This is a feature that is NECESSARY. the assignment of due dates should be done at the assignment or enrollment level and not at a course level.

    1 reply
  • Guest
    Dec 19, 2022

    I agree with this suggestion completely. Running into the same issue with having multiple new employees starting within days of each other and no way to send a curriculum or course with any due dates as a result. Would really like to see this feature added.

  • Guest
    Nov 15, 2022

    Yes, due date based on hire date or in position date (i.e. job title change) option are very much needed. Flexibility to set individual due date is important as well. For instance, a person has to be re-enrolled in a course for remedial purpose; the course due date is set to be 1 month from enrollment but the person really needs to complete it within a week. If the flexibility is there we can save a lot of time from not having the need to create a separate course for just one person.

  • Guest
    Mar 15, 2022

    I agree with Joanna. We run into this pretty frequently. It would be great to be able to set the due date at the time of enrolling users.

  • Guest
    Jan 21, 2022

    It would be useful to have more flexibility around this topic! We would like to be able to be able to select a due date at the enrollment stage, that would override the default one from the course setting. At the moment it's only possible from transcript level and making it applicable for everyone at one assignment would increase flexibility enormously.

  • Guest
    Dec 29, 2021

    I'm going to do some research into this idea to ensure I understand the value expectations and then update! Thank you for the discussion thus far.

  • Guest
    Dec 16, 2021

    This is really needed for compliance training. For new hires, they have a week from enrollment, but for current employees, they get one month from enrollment. Currently we need to have 2 courses of the same material, 2 reports, everything is made much more difficult and could be solved by allowing the same rule setup as enrollments.

  • Guest
    Dec 9, 2021

    This would be a great feature to have. There are situations where some learners are enrolled in a course and must complete by a specified due date, but the same course is available for self-enrollment and optional for other learners. setting the due date based on the enrollment rather than attached to the course would be very helpful.

  • Guest
    Nov 22, 2021

    this would be great to have! we often have courses that are available to all users, but then a need arises where certain groups are required to take the course with a due date. and since the due date applies across the board whether you're self or auto enrolled, this has to be managed manually

  • Guest
    Oct 13, 2021

    Great questions Paul! In our situation, we have new employees segregated to specific new hire curricula. Once they "graduate" from their new hire curricula, they are moved into a group that includes all more tenured staff via date of hire adjustments on the group rule.

  • Guest
    Oct 13, 2021

    The trick here would be to make sure that a due date based on hire date didn't immediately mark longer tenured employees as 'failed'. Are new hires often segregated in departments or groups in a way that is sure to exclude existing employees? Or are enrollment rules granular enough to only include individuals so the due date would apply in the same one-to-one way?

  • Guest
    Oct 5, 2021

    Specifically, I would like to have the option of making a due date based on date of hire, not just days after enrollment.