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Status Low Probability of Delivery
Created by Guest
Created on Sep 12, 2021

Automatic Enrollments for Instructor Led Courses

The ability to configure automatic enrollments for instructor led courses would enable more efficient workflows and reduce the number of interactions needed to enroll learners in this type of content

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  • Guest
    Jun 6, 2022

    The only work around I see to do is the add that one ILC course into a Curriculum and automatically enroll that user into that Curriculum. Otherwise the "Allow self enrollment" feature in ILC course will always be dependent on the user to "enroll" or the supervisor to "enroll" user. Then it would be dependent for the user to choose a session or supervisor to choose a session. Depending on how the session enrollment parameters are set.

    I would be logical to have the feature to have automatically enroll included into the ILC, & set the parameters for the session to "self enroll".

    Unfortunate situation. We are going to have to create a curriculum for this one ILC. All of our historical information for this particular course will have to be transferred to the curriculum. *sad face

  • Guest
    May 19, 2022

    A similar idea #165 is down as unlikely to be implemented. Think it needs to be merged with this one.

  • Guest
    May 18, 2022

    One way to address this could involve making two types of ILC - a single session and a multi session. If it's a single session course, users could be auto enrolled as they don't need to pick which session time works.

  • Guest
    Oct 6, 2021

    Hi Paul, I don't understand why this is hard for the stated "edge" cases. You wouldn't have to use auto enrollments, but if you do, then it would work the same as an Online Course. This way people know the course is out there and that they should go pick a session as they need to attend. Can you please explain what you mean by edge case interactions? There are a number or other posts asking for this very thing in here.

    Thank you.

  • Admin
    Paul Gheran
    Oct 5, 2021

    This is a great idea but a real challenge to implement due to the number of edge cases involved around Sessions, Venues, Waitlists, and min/max Session sizes. It would definitely be discretionary in the same way choosing (or not) to use automatic enrollment is for Online Courses, but because of the edge case interactions this would be very difficult to do in way that felt 'right' to all our clients, so we're going to concentrate effort on features that satisfy a broader number of use cases.


Automatic enrollment for ILC sessions

We should be able to set automatic enrollment rules for each session of an ILC, the same way you can set automatic enrollment rules for the course as a whole. You could say, anyone from the Sales department who enrolls in the course will automatic...
over 3 years ago in Admin Experience / Learner Experience 2 Low Probability of Delivery