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Course Pre-Requisites

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Completed prerequisites should stay visible in curricula

Hello. Currently when a user completes the prerequisites in a curriculum, they then disappear from the curriculum after completion (in the learner portal). Would it be possible to keep the completed prerequisites visible anyway, so that it is easi...
over 1 year ago in Course Pre-Requisites / Curriculum 4 Future Consideration

Add the ability to set more granular prerequisites in Curriculum

Currently, prerequisites can only be applied to all (Pace Progress) or none of the courses within a curriculum. There is a need for more flexibility. For example, maybe most of the courses in a curriculum can be completed in any order; however, th...
about 3 years ago in Course Pre-Requisites / Curriculum 2 Future Consideration

Visualize Lock Courses

Grey out and/or use a lock icon in My Courses to show which courses are locked due to prerequisites. It's a terrible user experience to be assigned a bunch of courses and have to click into them every time to find out where to start and what's next
over 2 years ago in Course Pre-Requisites 0 Future Consideration

Ability to limit some admins' learner enrollment authority

It would be great to have two levels of learner enrollment capability for admins. The top level would be the same as the current level and would allow complete authority to enroll learners in courses, but admins at the lower level would not be abl...
over 2 years ago in Course Pre-Requisites 1 Future Consideration

Support multiple prerequisite paths

We have situations where there are multiple prerequisite paths to a course: e.g., complete these 5 courses successfully or pass this readiness exam.
over 3 years ago in Course Pre-Requisites / Curriculum / Online Courses 1 Future Consideration

Expand Options for Course Prerequisites Rules to include Chapters/Learning Objects/Resources

I believe there needs to be a feature that would allow the unlocking of a part of a course after completing another part. The closest thing I see is an option to add prerequisites for courses, However, this option only allows the selection of anot...
almost 3 years ago in Course Pre-Requisites / Online Courses 3 Future Consideration