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Make competitive "teams" for leaderboards

While users can "compete" against each other in leaderboards, our company would also like to add the ability for users to compete as teams in a leaderboard. For example, teams made by group or manager, teams made by job title, or teams made throug...
over 2 years ago in Engage / Leaderboards 5 Reviewed

Track Billboard clicks

Similiar to the idea to see how many views News Articles get (see, It would be great to be able to see how many clicks a specific Billboard gets. This way we can see how impactful the messaging of the b...
about 3 years ago in Admin Experience / Engage / Reporting 1 Reviewed

Scalable points earned for leaderboards based on certain course performance metrics

We are looking to implement the leaderboards for our company in order to guage our top performing learners who really take initiative to learn. However, the problem we have with the current setup is that if the majority of our learners take the co...
about 3 years ago in Engage / Leaderboards / Reporting 3 Reviewed

Leaderboards for Bundles/Curriculums

It would be great if we can have leaderboards for Bundles/Curriculums that we have put together to encourage competition and completion for a particular initiative that we've created.
over 3 years ago in Engage / Leaderboards 8 Reviewed
125 VOTE

Add email notification to the collaborations tool

I'm not sure if I'm missing a setting somewhere but I think it would be really useful to receive an email notification when someone comments on a post in the collaborations tool (like in lots of other areas in Absorb). I don't expect our learners ...
over 3 years ago in Collaborations 33 Reviewed