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Online Courses

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Notify managers about due courses of its employees

We would like to inform managers (supervisors) about due courses of their direct reports. We are using due date field for mandatory courses. To increase completion rates and managers awareness I suggest to have another field, either on a course le...
1 day ago in Online Courses 1 Unreviewed

Can we add a "Resubmission Required" option to course uploads - in the manage course upload section?

Can we add a "Resubmission Required" option to course uploads - in the manage course upload section? Currently, reviewers/admins can only mark uploads as "Pass" or "Fail." It would be beneficial to introduce a "Resubmission Required" status, allow...
about 1 hour ago in Online Courses 0 Unreviewed

Define default values for e-signature fields

We are an FDA-regulated industry, and have more than 3,000 courses that require an e-signature object. We should be able to define the following fields in the Portal Settings, which would then be auto-populated when adding an e-signature lesson. T...
about 2 hours ago in E-Signature Lessons 0 Unreviewed

add additional options to "availability" feature

within a course build, Absorb allows for a delay in "availability". A learner can see/enroll in a course, but the content therein is delayed until a specific date. We would like to see additional options under this field, much like what can be acc...
3 days ago in Online Courses 0 Unreviewed

Have a Resources Bank similar to the Lessons/Question Banks

Please create a course resources bank, similar to the lessons and questions banks. Sometimes the same resources are used for multiple courses and it would be great not to have to have to re-add them each time. I know about the Global Resources but...
3 days ago in Online Courses 0 Unreviewed

Allow the creation of question banks for surveys

Allow the creation of question banks for surveys, similar to what exists for assessments. Currently there is a single set of universal survey questions in Absorb. We use different sets of questions depending on what the content provider wants to k...
3 days ago in Survey Lessons 0 Unreviewed

Course Language Category should have a Multi-Language option

I have courses with a drop-down menu of languages available for users to pick from, instead of having 3 courses with one for each language.
about 1 month ago in Online Courses 1 Unreviewed

Add more fields to bulk course update

There was a common request to enable the ability to update multiple courses at a time, which was implemented in LMS-I-141. However, the editable data fields were limited. This idea is to expand the list to include the most meaningful fields in the...
2 months ago in Curriculum / Instructor Led Courses / Online Courses 6 Fair Probability of Delivery

ILC Observer option

It would be valuable to have an option to add users to an ILC who are neither Instructors nor Learners, inviting them via the calendar and notifying them of updates. This is to accommodate co-facilitators, for whom we do not want instructor permis...
8 days ago in Instructor Led Courses / Observation Checklist Lessons 0 Unreviewed

Ability to have learners record a video in the system

We need learners to be able to record videos of themselves in the Absorb platform vs having to record in a separate platform and upload. This creates too many steps for those aren't' tech savvy. This is an essential requirement for us. We passed o...
16 days ago in Online Courses 0 Unreviewed