- Able to assign different ways - Assume the current year for reassignment - More flexible messaging - Cadence when still in required time frame, and cadence when past due. 2 up notification after a certain time frame
Error Trapping Required for ILT Session Min Class Size Selection of 0
Please add Error Trapping for Admin configuration selection of zero for ILT Session Min Class Size. Who would have thought it, but laborious troubleshooting revealed that Session configuration of zero results in the LMS preventing the end user fro...
Ability to Rename and Use Fields Under Attributes in Course Settings on the Certificate of Completion
It would be great to be able to rename and use the existing fields in each course (such as Audience, Goals, External Id, etc.) to populate information on the certificates.
When enrolling staff in ILC session, the sessions appear ascending meaning the oldest class appears first in the list. We have to scroll for a long time to get to the bottom of the list to enroll a student in the most recent session. Would like th...
Attendance Sheet "bulk" closure of Sessions by Instructors
Currently there is no way to sign-off all attendees for a session by the Instructor using an Attendance Sheet approach. This makes it cumbersome to sign-off attendance on an individual basis for each student. Please add a Session Attendance Sheet,...
LOCK next part (chapter in curriculum) of training to give time for reflection and learning
I’ve read up on neuroscience for memory and learning and am starting to rebuild some courses. I want to divide a longer course into several parts (chunks) and lock the next part for 24h/12H to force the learner to reflect and not finish the course...
LMS does not have a "Learning Assignment Wizard" that the Admin can use to Enroll and Sign-Off as Complete multiple courses for multiple students all at the same time.
Add a course to curricula from the Edit Course screen.
We sometimes create courses that can be placed in multiple curricula or learning paths. For example -- content that belongs in both manager's and the front-line's learning paths. I'd love to be able to add the course to specified curricula while I...
User Field Registration Account Creation Multiple Selection and Other
We need to be able to allow users to select multiple answers during account creation. They also need to be able to select Other, then there be a space to write in their response, instead of having to add a second question below it.