We should be able to create our own Custom Reports. The ability to start from scratch and add any fields we desire. The current reporting takes too much time to compile all the fields needed. A simple blank report and option to choose fields then ...
Ability to Pick Multiple Departments for Groups or Filters
When setting up groups or filters using the Department popup window you are restricted to selecting one Department at a time. If you need to add many departments to a group, this creates a time consuming repetitive process of adding a new rule and...
File Manager - replace file to not add (#) to filename to maintain URL
We replace files quite often and if we use the replace file option, it adds a (#) to the end of the filename. I do understand that doesn't break any links within Absorb, however if we link to files from outside of Absorb, those links do not work n...
Impersonate user button available on any user report page
Currently to impersonate a user you have to go to Users > Users (list) and select a user. If you are on any other report list page e.g. course enrolments and select a user, the impersonate button is not available. Can it be allowed for system a...
over 2 years ago
in Admin Experience
Low Probability of Delivery
The list view within the file manager, with the small thumbnails is a great view, but we need more usage information, like date updated, last accessed, placement in active courses/inactive courses, etc.
about 2 years ago
in Admin Experience
Low Probability of Delivery
Ability to send a daily notification of trainings assigned, coming due or past due
This is a suggestion based on experience with a previous LMS where you could choose between having emails trigger per course, or have them triggered once a day. For users particularly new hires who will receive a lot of training when they start th...
Completion date for Observation Checklists in the employee transcript
Need completion date for the Observation Checklist in the employee transcript. It is difficult for our Admins to look up our Observation Checklist audits quickly. These completion dates are crucial to employee pay progression. Now it just shows in...
User Account Settings - Admin User & Department Management by Groups
Group - if a Role is assigned, they will only see Users that are assigned to the Group you have selected in this section. Only 1 Group can be assigned to an Admin . But, the assigned User will see all Departments, not just the departments that wer...
Since all courses show up in the User Enrollments (even when inactive) it would be helpful to be able to filter by Course status and filter out the active or inactive courses. I recommend adding Course Status to the filter and column options.
Changing the german translation for the ''Employee Number'' tab
“Employee Number” field in the LMS is translated to Mitarbeiter Anzahl, which means “employee count”, instead of “Mitarbeiternummer” which would be the correct German translation. Would it be possible to make this change?