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Admin Experience

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Allow Admin Role To Be Searchable or Used As a Filter

Admins are assigned role(s). Enable the ability to search for users by role. Imagine a role being available as a filter or rule. We can then assign or make available groups, courses, dashboards by admin role. It also allows for easier reporting an...
about 2 years ago in Admin Experience / Core LMS 1

Course Evaluations for selected user

Go to Users and select a user. Add a 'Course Evaluations' button which will list all of the courses they've completed and left feedback. Click a course and it shows the feedback given. This helps us because we enrol customers onto multiple courses...
8 months ago in Admin Experience 1 Low Probability of Delivery

Please add the ability for an Admin to add, remove or move learners to and from the waitlist

Please add the ability for an Admin to add, remove or move learners to and from the waitlist. Support says this is not a functionality of the product at this time.
over 2 years ago in Admin Experience 2

Observation Checklists | Allow Admin to Complete

For checklists that might have happened on paper or outside the system, allow the admin to mark as complete to remove the learner from "Ready to Review". Additionally allow to over ride completion date for a checklist to properly reflect completions.
over 2 years ago in Admin Experience / Reporting 1 Reviewed

Administrators Enroll Individuals in courses again

For compliance courses, we need to be able to allow administrators to re-assign or re-enroll users in a source they've already completed without duplicating the course, curriculum, or course bundle. Right now, re-enroll only allows the user to re-...
12 months ago in Admin Experience 1 Currently Available

'Is Supervisor' flag

It would be helpful to add 'Is Supervisor' flag to the 'Users' list. That would allow filtering Supervisors from the Users list, communicate with them via Absorb, use mass actions, automate groups creation or course enrollments targeted to the spe...
over 2 years ago in Admin Experience 4 Reviewed

Certificates shouldn't override based on new updates

when we create a new certificate template or update the existing one, it shouldn't override the existing certificate awarded to the participant.
about 2 years ago in Admin Experience 2

Improving Resources Subfolders

We would like to have a "download all" button for all documents in each subfolder of the resources area - to be able to download the whole bulk of files rather than doing that one by one.
over 2 years ago in Admin Experience 1 Low Probability of Delivery

Create a glossary of Absorb terms for training new users.

Since Absorb uses a lot of terminology that has multiple meanings in other spheres, it would be nice to have a glossary of terms that can be used to train new users (especially Admins and Creators) about the various definitions and uses. For examp...
over 1 year ago in Admin Experience 1 Fair Probability of Delivery

Add Time for Coupon Code Expiration

Add a time for coupon codes to expire. Right now it's always 12 AM UTC, but would be helpful to be able to variable time. Example: Code to expire April 25 at 5 PM ETC (9 PM UTC).
10 months ago in Admin Experience 1 Low Probability of Delivery