There should be a way to create a dashboard folder or widget to a folder containing all resources, courses, and collaborations relevant to a specific group or department. If Group A wants to see all Group A material, they should be able to see it ...
The ability to configure a task where a Learner can report their status for the Task with the option for an administrator to approve the status before the learner can proceed with their Course
Course Enrollment Date and Completion Date on Course
Currently the only way to see enrollment and completion dates of a course are through the transcript. This information isn't anywhere in the actual course in My Courses. Would be nice to see completion metrics in the actual course and not just tra...
We would like to be able to place instructions on our dashboard in text form without updating a tile. It would be great if we could just add a text box in anywhere we want to place information.
Update department automatically when using an enrollment key
Currently we have to check enrollment keys on a weekly basis to manually move learners into the right department if they use a special enrollment key and already have an account. The enrollment key is set up to add new learners to a special depart...
I need to train my workforce on procedures that are confidential/proprietary. I want to be able to upload a manual as a course object without an employee being able to download it and possibly share it with a competitor. I only want them to be abl...
The ability to place the HOURS in the course TILE view within a catalog.
While clients access our catalogs, the tiles that show title, "on-Line Course", star rating etc, should be able to show the number of hours the course is without having to go into the course description and review credits.
Currently, when you add a 'global resources' tile to a template, you are able to customize the name on the tile, allowing you to create several different resources tiles to differentiate between resource categories. However, once you click on the ...