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Core LMS

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Change fields with an enrollment key

I would like the ability to overwrite any field set for existing users with an enrollment key. For example: An enrollment key is configured, and that key is set to place the user in department 'X'. If a new user uses the key - they are placed in d...
almost 3 years ago in Admin Experience 2 Low Probability of Delivery

Managers assign courses

Can managers have the capability to assign/enroll courses to their direct reports?
almost 3 years ago in Manager Experience 1 Currently Available

Disable Share Button on Courses in Catalouge

Currently in Absorb LMS in the Learner view, there is an icon in the top right hand side of courses (beside the "pin" icon) that allows learners to "share" the course and opens up a pop up window giving them an option to copy a direct link to the ...
5 months ago in Core LMS 0 Unreviewed

Bulk import - password

Bulk import requires a password field but doesn't seem to reset the password and it doesn't have to be the correct password. Can this required field be removed from the bulk user import?
3 months ago in Admin Experience 0 Unreviewed

View enrollments for set of people matching criteria

We would like to view all enrollments for a set of people (ex. they are all in the same location, same HR business unit, etc). We have to look by person but want to see any enrollment tied to anyone that meets "x" filtering criteria.
3 months ago in Admin Experience 3 Reviewed

Sandbox refresh - password

We don't want to have to reset passwords for admins in sandbox each time there is a sandbox refresh.
3 months ago in Admin Experience 2 Reviewed

Replace lesson

Would like the ability to replace lesson for a single course on the lesson tab (you can only use the lesson tab for lessons tied to multiple courses). For a single course, you can see the course connection on that tab but you have to go into the c...
3 months ago in Admin Experience 1 Low Probability of Delivery

Group update frequency

Would like ability to determine when a Group updates the data (ex. we want it to update weekly or specific day instead of daily). For example, it is being used for course assignments and we may not want that assignment the day someone is hired. It...
3 months ago in Admin Experience 0 Unreviewed

All learners enrollment

The enrollment rules option of All Learners should be limited on the auto enrollment to only those learners that are available to the admin based on their department acccess. I can see the need for All Learners (truly all learners) for self enroll...
3 months ago in Admin Experience 1 Low Probability of Delivery

Add Spreadsheet Import Support for Enrollments and Groups

Currently, the only way to add an existing user for a course Enrollment, or to add a user to a Group, is manually, one at a time. Please add Spreadsheet import support for Enrollments and Groups to dramatically reduce Admin administrative burden.
almost 3 years ago in Admin Experience 2 Unreviewed