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Core LMS

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Boolean Search Needed for Learners

I added this into the old "ideas" area, but I will add it here. We really need the search function to be more boolean based (that sounds like a soup). As a catalog grows it gets harder and harder to find the course you are looking for as a learner...
over 3 years ago in Learner Experience 1 Reviewed

Change "Delete User" button to Red

Had a few near-misses, almost deleting a selected user, rather than "Deselecting" them. The two buttons are right next to each other, and both start with "De". Suggest changing the color of "Delete" to red, and possibly adding a "Are you sure?" po...
over 2 years ago in Admin Experience 1 Currently Available

Course Duration in Course Catalog

It would be great to have course duration as an option in course set up and visible for the learners. Our Customer Service reps only have so much time to do training between calls and it would be helpful for them to know how long a course will tak...
over 3 years ago in Learner Experience 1 Reviewed

Give Managers the option to make a course Mandatory from the Manager Experience.

I suggest adding the option for Managers to make courses Mandatory when enrolling their learners into courses. Along with a due date. PLEASE!
12 months ago in Manager Experience 0

New File Manager: Toggle off suggested images

The suggested images are unlikely to be used by my team, and are often inaccurate or unapplicable. Please consider the option to toggle the suggestions ribbon off in the file manager, as it is unnecessary.
about 2 years ago in Admin Experience 0

Course past due message should be at the course level, not the template level

It would be nice to include a course past due message at the course level where you could customize it, not have it send at all. have it send more than once etc. etc. More flexibility with messages please!
over 3 years ago in Online Courses 2

Improve Manager Experience Search Functionality

In the manager experience, when searching for content to assign, make the searching experience similar to the catalog searching. My managers are struggling to find the course they need if they don't have the exact title.
12 months ago in Manager Experience 0

Adding more information to user account history

After selecting a user and attempting to review the history for admin actions performed on their account, it appears limited with the information available. Currently it appears to only offer the following: When the account was created and by who....
over 3 years ago in Admin Experience 5


- Able to pull a report across multiple courses or categories - Flexible dashboards - Better slice and dice across organizations
over 1 year ago in Admin Experience 0 Currently Available

Once Mandatory Courses Been Completed to Have the Course "Disapear" From the Home Page

As an Admin, I have a ton of Mandatory Courses that I have completed that are clogging my view. I think once you completed the course, it should disappear from that view since the requirement has already been fulfilled. If someone ever wanted to r...
over 3 years ago in Learner Experience 3 Reviewed