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Core LMS

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Make Collaborations more Forum Like

I use the Collaborations to assign discussion-board style work in an applied course we teach, asking course participants to discuss specific questions coming from the material (course is run asynchronously in that they can get in anytime, but stil...
over 3 years ago in Learner Experience 3 Reviewed

Duplicate Filter

Would like to see a filter for any of the columns in the users page that would allow admins to search for duplcate information, users. I believe this would help manage accounts especially if admins aren't aware when any duplicate accounts exist. T...
over 3 years ago in Admin Experience / Reporting 2 Reviewed

Email Unsubscribe Link

We need to provide our learners with a way of unsubscribing to emails generated from Absorb. Perhaps there could be a toggle button added to the user profile page that would prevent emails from being sent to this person if the toggle is checked. T...
over 3 years ago in Learner Experience 4

Space bar and arrows for video playback

It would be nice if the space bar on your keyboard could pause/resume video playback and if the arrow keys (back/forward) could advance or rewind the video by 5 seconds. Similar to features in YouTube, this would make it easier for people who like...
about 1 year ago in Learner Experience 0

Special Characters

I am aware that special characters will show garbled when reports are run using a CSV file and also on the certificates. We have a large population of International learners who have accents in their names as well as the course and lesson names. T...
over 2 years ago in Learner Experience 0

Allow "Tasks" in addition to Courses in Curriculum

Curriculums are a great tool, however they don't fully work for us when it comes to utilizing it for onboarding. For example, there isn't a "Course" for things like touring the facility, meeting peers, locating bathrooms and emergency exits, etc. ...
over 3 years ago in Curriculum / Learner Experience / Task Lessons 2

Add a SSO Login button on the non SSO login page

We have company employees that will be using the SSO login. We also have external content creators/contributors that do not have accounts in our Azure AD. I'd prefer that both type of users could just go to one page to login (our company users are...
over 2 years ago in Learner Experience 0

Sort My Courses based on Pins, Mandatory, Due Date, or Enroll Date

Allow users and/or admins the ability to set the order of My courses ribbon. Currently the Pins seem useless.
over 2 years ago in Learner Experience 1

Observation Checklist - Email Notification sent to reviewer

When a Leaner clicks "Ready for Review" an email notification is sent to the Reviewer - similar to the task functionality - alerting them to the fact. Currently, a task needs to be created as an object prior to alert the Reviewer which is not an e...
over 3 years ago in Admin Experience 4 Currently Available

Course/session language indicator

We are missing a language indicator in the course/session preview on the learner dashboard. In multinational organizations, we have learners per target group who speak different languages. Online Courses or ILC sessions therefore can be offered in...
over 3 years ago in Learner Experience 1 Reviewed