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Core LMS

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Capabilities to make modification to multiple courses at one time.m

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9 months ago in Admin Experience 1 Currently Available

Recurring Classes

Flexibility on Recurring Classes to allow for specific times on multi-day courses. For example, a course that starts at Noon on day one and ends at 4pm, starts at 8am on Day 2 and ends at 4pm, and starts at 8am on day three but end at noon.
almost 1 year ago in Instructor Led Courses 0 Unreviewed

Updates to a Course

Courses are continually updated in our line of business. It would be great if we could have someway to notify a learner when there is an update to a course they have already been enrolled in and completed. At this time we are having to leave the c...
over 1 year ago in Online Courses 0 Unreviewed

Course publishing date information

We would like to have course publishing date information made visible to the learners in the dashboard. It would help learners to better identify whether a course is still relevant/useful based on its publishing date. As a bonus, if possible, any ...
almost 2 years ago in Learner Experience 1 Unreviewed

Course Certificate vs Course Upload Certificate Reporting

When a certificate has been switched on to be a course upload certificate, you have to use the Course Upload Report and not the Certificate Report. I think this is a bit confusing, having to remember its actually a course upload. Surely it should ...
about 2 years ago in Admin Experience 0 Unreviewed

Auto Save changes/uploads when Editing Course

In the instance of a timeout or system malfunction/crash, user would be able to pick up where they left off. I had to reattempt to upload the same course items multiple times because of system issues. Finally had to doing a quick save after I uplo...
over 2 years ago in Admin Experience 1 Unreviewed

Allow departments to have status of active and inactive

Today, departments do not have a status option. Old departments can only be deleted. Provide us the option to inactivate a department.
about 3 years ago in Admin Experience 1 Reviewed

Make it possible to attach/upload files to a user transcript, for example, documentation from external courses or on site-training that are not a course in Absorb.

Make it possible to attach/upload files to a user transcript, for example, documentation from external courses or on site-training that are not a course in Absorb. We would like to store all documentation of employees' learning & development i...
about 2 years ago in Learner Experience 0 Unreviewed

Preview the global resource before choosing to download

When you click on a global resource, it automatically downloads. From a user perspective, they may just be checking out WHAT the document is and may find that it's not what they're looking for. Additionally, it seems that a lot of people miss that...
about 1 year ago in Learner Experience 1 Unreviewed

An Overview/Dashboard for Emails that are sent from Absorb

It would be very convenient have a dashboard overview of all emails that are being sent from the system: sender, recipient, date, subject BCC email is good only in small batches, when there are 1.5K emails and 1.5K copies of these emails sent, we ...
over 1 year ago in Admin Experience 0 Unreviewed