It would be incredibly helpful to have an "impersonate User" button on the User Enrollment report. This will allow the Admin to go to the User's profile to ensure the courses are showing up properly after enrollment or completion.
It's really great the session selection is required for new ILC enrollments, however, we would like to see this same functionality on session re-enrollments. We have many team members who miss classes because they are not required to attend a sess...
Waitlist users of a session are not supposed to receive the session updated emails, outlooks invites which has the information like meeting links and other details before their seat get confirmed. This is confusing the learners as they have the me...
Add additional option to Mandatory or Not Mandatory
It would be helpful to have a 3rd option for course requirement. For example: Mandatory - Compliance courses Required - Job skill requirements Not Mandatory - all others
System allows admin to create multiple groups with the same name. The system should restrict group name to be unique or give admin a setting in portal settings to turn on restriction for the system.
Improve learner experience and navigation by adding back button on Transcript, Inbox and FAQ
If I navigate to the Transcript, Inbox, or FAQ page from the dashboard, there is no “back” button to take me back to the dashboard. I know there are other ways to get to it but an in your face type button would be a better experience.
You should be able to add a Supervisor to a group of individuals rather than manually add the Supervisor to each user within a group. In instances where someone would need to know the completion status of a course/curriculum for a group of people.
I would like to see the ability to resend a notification to a user. Primarily related to the welcome message and course enrollments. In my previous LMS, we could resend an email message from within the admin portal. We have had several incidences ...