When working in edit mode inside courses you have click 1x to activate a button/section and click again to navigate there. Can we please update so if you click it you are also automatically navigated there. If I 'm clicking on it, I likely want to...
Limit Admin Ability to Enroll but Not Visibility to Reporting
There is content that we cascade that needs to be taken and reported on but the target audience is very specific and we do not want admins outside of the system admins to be able to enroll other users in. I would like to be able to limit enrollmen...
When sending task notification; allow the name of user to be used instead of learner username
It is very frustrating when sending task notifications to managers, it will only allow us to use the Learner Username instead of the learner's actual name. Nothing worse than getting an email and all you see is their employee number and have to lo...
over 1 year ago
in Task Lessons
Currently Available
Add ability to "suggest" course or curricula without requiring it
Having the ability to suggest content to users based upon their role, versus merely placing on the "featured courses" tiles or requiring that the user take the content would be advantageous in driving exploration of content.
Reinstate numeric values for progress percentages in Learner Progress reports
In the late Summer or early Fall of 2021, Absorb appears to have changed the progress percentages in the Excel & CSV versions of the Learner Progress reports to text instead of numeric values. We produce several reports for our clients contain...
Make SCORM Replacement Dropdown Function the Same Way as Other Dropdowns
When you try to replace a SCORM file, you need to click on the very very tiny triangle for it to work. With all other dropdowns you can click on the circle or the title and the dropdown will function.
Add a warning to the auto enroll all users feautre
Several of our content creators accidentally auto enroll all users, causing a frenzy. It would be great if we could add some kind of bold/highlighted verbiage that says something along the lines of "This will enroll All Learners across the entire ...
Link to navigate from video lesson back to course.
I love that you can access video lesson content directly from the search results especially with pinpoint, but once the video lesson is launched there isn't a way to jump from that video content to the course it is a part of. It would be really he...
The time zone is not consistent between Activity Feed list and the activity detail
For example, the activity list displays an activity at 1:08pm (our local time) when I click "View Activity Feed" for a user, but when I edit this particular activity, it displays 11:08am (perhaps Calgary local time).