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Core LMS

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Department Lock Sessions within a course

Having certain courses available for certain departments is great, but when multiple departments share courses with regions using specific sessions it can be a little confusing for their admins to see everyone. Like we have self enrollment rules f...
about 1 month ago in Instructor Led Courses 0 Unreviewed

Bulk import questions to question bank

I have an extensive set of questions that I would like to input into Absorb, but doing so individually is going to be prohibitively costly in terms of time. Having the ability to bulk upload different types of questions, along with feedback for an...
3 months ago in Admin Experience 3 Unreviewed

Course Enrollments by Groups and Departments

When 'add enrollments' to a course you can only add individual users. Please allow to add whole departments or groups. As a Sys-Admin, I can't remember who belongs to which departments. When I add 12 sessions for all the departments/groups, I woul...
3 months ago in Instructor Led Courses 1 Unreviewed

Apply Variable Pricing to REPURCHASE option

Variable pricing needs to be available when a learner is REPURCHASING a course. Otherwise, we have to overcharge some groups, and undercharge others. It means we may lose revenue.
2 months ago in Admin Experience / eCommerce 1 Reviewed

Manager print direct reports' transcript

Managers should have the ability to print a direct report's transcript, similar to how a learner can view and print their own transcript.
6 months ago in Manager Experience 2 Unreviewed

Add a Filter to Observation Checklists Tabs in Reviewer Experience.

Hi, I'm a Training Coordinator at PCC Structurals, Inc. and here is an idea that would save a lot of time when looking up Audits and such in Reviewer Expectance. Add a filter to the Observation Checklist Tabs ("Not Ready," "Ready," "In Progress") ...
2 months ago in Reviewer Experience 2 Reviewed

We need the ability to add our company logo into the course player

When the course player launches, it covers our company logo. Our marketing requirements state that the logo must be present in the player. Putting it in the course itself poses an issue with responsiveness. We would like to be able to have a featu...
5 months ago in Online Courses 1 Unreviewed

Manager Experience tile text needs to be separate from dashboard tile text

We use a dark blue background for our dashboard tiles and white for tile text color. Today, I am unable to see the Manager Experience tile descriptions since the tile text color is set as white.
almost 2 years ago in Manager Experience 6 Currently Available

Mandatory courses within a Curriculum

When editing an individual course, you have the option to designate it as mandatory. However, when editing a curriculum, you can only set the entire curriculum as mandatory, without the ability to specify which individual courses within it are man...
4 months ago in Curriculum 1 Unreviewed

Bulk Assign Categories to Multiple Courses

The capability to assign a course category to multiple courses would be a massive time saver. Currently, you have to go into each course and append or change the course category. When you have a large course catalogue, this becomes very time-consu...
about 2 years ago in Admin Experience 2 Reviewed