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Core LMS

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Organizational Default Report Layouts for Tasks Module

Create a function to set Organization Default Layouts for the Tasks module in the Admin Experience.
almost 3 years ago in Admin Experience / Reporting 0 Under Consideration

Enable What's Next tile to show upcoming courses within a Curriculum

Currently when you have an ILC within a curriculum, and you have the dashboard toggle to hide courses that are part of a curriculum switched on, then that ILC will not appear in the What's Next tile. Honestly this seems like more of a bug to me.
over 1 year ago in Learner Experience 0

Allow existing users from other departments to use enrolment keys

If an existing user from another department attempts to use an enrolment key, they are prevented from using that enrolment key. The current solution is for admin to manually enrol them in the course(s) linked to that enrolment key (or manually cha...
over 2 years ago in Admin Experience 1 Low Probability of Delivery

Add expiration date to an individual user's course enrollment

Currently, if I add an expiration date to a course, it affects anyone (everyone) taking that particular course. But what if I want to enroll someone (say John) in a course with a due date of the end o this month and I also want to assign (say Pete...
almost 2 years ago in Online Courses 0

Remove / Hide Expired Badges issued from Competencies

When competencies are assigned to curriculums or course bundles, when one of the certificates expires within the bundle or curriculum we would want the competency to show as expired (like a certificate) as a refresher of knowledge should be requir...
over 1 year ago in Core LMS 0

Allow Custom Categories in Refine Search Panel

On the left hand side of the page in Learner Experience as you view Couse Catalog or My Courses, there are limited filter options that are only relevant for Online Course, Curriculum, Instructor-Led Course, etc. To allow a more intuitive learner e...
over 1 year ago in Core LMS 1

New File Manager - Highlight Current File

When I navigate to a piece of content in a course (e.g. video, thumbnail, image, etc.) or global resource so that I can replace it, the file manager opens but does not show me which file is currently being used. I have to search for the title in t...
almost 2 years ago in Admin Experience 2 Low Probability of Delivery

Competencies by Chapter

One of our curricula is organized by chapter. The learner can complete the chapter in any order and there are ILCs sprinkled in, as well. The ability to award the competency/badge upon completion of the chapter would provide a much better experien...
over 3 years ago in Admin Experience 1

Manage/Add Competencies at a Department Level

We would like the ability for admins to add competencies within their specific departments without visibility to to other departments' competencies. Essentially locked departments applied to competencies. We utilize departments for individual comp...
over 3 years ago in Admin Experience 2

See who shared a report and ability to remove

Currently, when a report is shared you are unable to see who shared the report and admins cannot see a list of reports shared. We need to ability to manage reports shared and remove if necessary. We have a report that was shared out to all admins ...
over 3 years ago in Admin Experience / Reporting 1