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Core LMS

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104 VOTE

Blended Learning in a single course

I know this was talked about recently, but can't find it here to vote. What's odd is that Absorb does not offer ability to provide Blended learning apart from setting up a curriculum to contain both an ILC and Online courses. This then limits abil...
over 3 years ago in Admin Experience / Instructor Led Courses / Online Courses 14 Future Consideration

Manager Experience tile text needs to be separate from dashboard tile text

We use a dark blue background for our dashboard tiles and white for tile text color. Today, I am unable to see the Manager Experience tile descriptions since the tile text color is set as white.
about 2 years ago in Manager Experience 6 Currently Available

Mark multiple different course enrollments complete at once

We would like to be able to go to enrollments under a specific user and mark multiple different courses complete at one time. This helps when cleaning up transcripts and also when the user proves proficiency in a topic and receives exemption.
almost 3 years ago in Admin Experience 2 Gathering Interest
104 VOTE

Observation Checklists | Add Employee Acknowledgement

The observation checklist is a great tool to document OJT and similar events. I wish there was a way to require an eSignature or similar review for employees to acknowledge the review they received before submitting. It would allow for better prot...
over 3 years ago in Observation Checklist Lessons 6 Future Consideration

Allow Access to Uploads for Inactive Users

Please allow us to access uploads for Inactive employees without having to reactivate them. We regularly need to pull these for compliance audits.
7 months ago in Admin Experience 1 Future Consideration

Enable deep links (course links) to go directly to course through SSO

By definition in most platforms, a deep link takes you directly to specific content, through SSO, even if you are not currently logged into the platform. In the case of Absorb, the direct course links only work if you're already logged into the pl...
over 2 years ago in Learner Experience 8 Gathering Interest

Make "Content Type" Configurable on SCORM Courses

When uploading a SCORM file, you can select a Content Type, which is a fixed dropdown field. It is populated by choices Absorb has hard-coded. We'd like this dropdown to be configurable, so we could add/change/delete our own choices in the dropdown.
6 months ago in Object Lessons 0

Deleting a thumbnail at course level should NOT delete from File Manager

When in Edit Course and adding a thumbnail and you use Choose File , thumbnails that are Uploaded appear in the File Manager : Once in File Manager, this thumbnail is now available to be used over and over again for various courses. If you choose ...
about 1 year ago in Admin Experience 3

Include departments in batch upload

No description provided
26 days ago in Admin Experience 0

Ability to tag a course as NEW that would show in corner on the Course IMage

It is nice that there is a featured ribbon to feature courses but it would be great to highlight NEW content with a tag or label on the top corner like attached!
almost 2 years ago in Learner Experience 9 Gathering Interest