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Core LMS

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Admin level where people can view everything, but not make any changes.

I think it would be great to have a system role where people could view learner information, run reports, basically do everything a system admin can do--except things like add or change courses, delete users, etc. We have a group of administrative...
almost 3 years ago in Admin Experience 1 Reviewed

User Import Custom Welcome Email

It would be great if there was an option to use a custom welcome email when you are using the bulk user import function like there is with the enrollment key. We have different departments which would do well to have specific information when they...
almost 3 years ago in Admin Experience 0 Unreviewed

Reinstate numeric values for progress percentages in Learner Progress reports

In the late Summer or early Fall of 2021, Absorb appears to have changed the progress percentages in the Excel & CSV versions of the Learner Progress reports to text instead of numeric values. We produce several reports for our clients contain...
almost 3 years ago in Admin Experience / Reporting 0 Unreviewed

Inactive Courses - Messaging

After creating a new course, its often the case its not quite ready to be published (i.e. left inactive) but the administrator will still want to enrol users. One issue we have come across is the users aren't notified i.e. the 'you have been enrol...
9 months ago in Admin Experience 0 Unreviewed

limit edit capability for Avatars

Admin or System Admin should be able to prevent users from changing an avatar. This could be a toggle to either allow or not allow users to change an avatar.
over 1 year ago in Admin Experience 0 Unreviewed

Editable Banner Titles

When designing the user dashboard template, it would be helpful to make the banner titles editable. (ie. "Mandatory" could be changed to "Mandatory Compliance")
over 1 year ago in Learner Experience 0 Unreviewed

Clear Supervisor Import to Manager List

After importing managers from the supervisor screen, it doesn't clear the list. The tickbox functionality also doesnt work to select specific supervisors to import as managers, you must import everyone who is a supervisor in the list and makes all...
over 1 year ago in Core LMS 0 Unreviewed

Create an option to disable courses in a curriculum when requirements are met

We allow users to test out of some of our compliance topics. To accomplish this, we have 2 courses in a curriculum. One course only contains an assessment, the other contains the course content and an assessment. In the curriculum settings, we mak...
about 2 years ago in Learner Experience 2 Unreviewed

Customise icons in search results

User story: I am a learner. When I do a search for content, I struggle to identify which items are PDFs, which are videos, which are courses, etc. Screenshot showing the icons referred to. Solution: The ability to customise the icons displayed in ...
about 2 years ago in Learner Experience 0 Unreviewed

Filter option for expired courses on ILC courses screen

Would be handy to have the option to add a filter to the ILC course sessions to hide expired courses so it is easier to navigate to current and future courses. Date filter isn't viable when you have reoccurring courses set up so adding this featur...
9 months ago in Core LMS 0 Unreviewed