When you delete a user can it warn you of any linkages that will break or fields which get cleared. For example, if they are: Instructors on courses Admins on courses Courses 'created by' Are a supervisor to another user As we manually create user...
Catalog filter capability for what type of course. (interactive, audio, etc.)
Hello, It would be nice for my learners to have the ability to filter in the catalog for what type of courses. Example: Interactive, Audio, ect. Many learners have different ways they prefer to learn. Thank you
Choice of Curriculum or courses within a Curriculum to be visible in Courses section of Credentials
It's useful to be able to decide what shows up in the Credentials section and where. Learners would benefit to have a clearer understanding of what they've completed. There are several ways this could work: A choice in the Curriculum set up to cho...
Make it easier for learner to review courses (New Course Player)
We've had some questions regarding reviewing completed online courses with the new course player. We have our portal set so that employees cannot re-enroll themselves within 3 months of completing an online course. During those 3 months, those emp...
Add missing countries from Country field in Absorb - WEconnect request
Missing countries (Probably not a comprehensive list) Tanzania South Korea Czechia Brunei British Virgin Islands Myanmar [Burma] Ivory Coast Macedonia Swaziland Palestine Moldova
When we update our Terms & Conditions, we need our users to accept the new version. However, there is not a way to "revert acceptance" of Ts&Cs for users so that they must accept the new version upon their next login.
Right now, if I want admins to have the ability to enroll users in courses from the Users interface, I have to select the Categories/View check box for the admin role. Doing so DOES allow the admin to enroll users in courses from the Users interfa...
The registration/ sign up form needs to show the full length of questions. We have some questions that are long and get cut off, so learners cannot read the full question.
I want to limit the course upload to a pdf, with a tooltip to remind the user that this is what we want. I want to be able to add or edit my own tooltips.