When editing an ILC, if you scroll down and display the sessions list, on the left side of each session there is a calendar icon box with the day and month but doesn't show the year. Can that be added in too?
When searching for inactive users you have to specifically add the status is inactive filter for them to appear. This is inconsistent behaviour because you don't need to apply the same for courses, they just show up in the list automatically. Can ...
ability to designate proxy managers for other admins for Manager Experience features
It would be great if system admins (or some configurable level of admin) could manually designate "proxy" managers for other manager role users. For example, a CRO currently can see top down who is doing (or not doing what) and enroll any of those...
file types for upload At the moment the system does not support ZIP files, learners needs to upload multiple files as assignments and some files are project files of different formats/external softwares. Zip files can simply allow all format and m...
Adding a data filter to the manager dashboard would help the content be more relevant. Currently it shows failed or incomplete courses from years ago that are no longer relevant. Our financial year is from 1st July to 30th June. Would be good to h...
Groups are created and updated in the Admin Experience for a variety of reasons. It would be helpful to have a notes field to allow admins to be able to track why a group was created or updated and the anticipated use.
It is time-consuming to go and edit a course in order to add a session. When an ILC course is selected, there should be an "add session" button populated.
Add an import function to enable the bulk addition of direct reports. Manually adding one user at a time is time consuming. Having the ability to link a user's Direct Report field to a specific Group so the list is automatically updated and curren...