Ability to Pick Multiple Departments for Groups or Filters
When setting up groups or filters using the Department popup window you are restricted to selecting one Department at a time. If you need to add many departments to a group, this creates a time consuming repetitive process of adding a new rule and...
The list view within the file manager, with the small thumbnails is a great view, but we need more usage information, like date updated, last accessed, placement in active courses/inactive courses, etc.
about 2 years ago
in Admin Experience
Low Probability of Delivery
See the screen shot for a visual of my solution. As the previous LMS Admin who utilizes the Mark Attendance feature more. I receive hard copies from instructors, who do not have access to the system, of the actual rosters and sign-in-sheets. It wo...
When creating an assessments with multiple correct answers, allow partially correct answers (for example, a learner chose 2 out of 3 correct answers and will get some of the scoring instead of failing the entire question).
Self Enrollment vs Forced Enrollment Notifications
I would like the ability to set a notification of enrollment separately for self enrollment and forced enrollment. When an admin or manager assigns an object I want the notification to be sent however when a learner self enrolls I would like the n...
Keep individual enrolments rules for when sitting in a curriculum
We do not want our leaners enrolling into a course and session as this responsibility sits with the Manager due to their being a cost and workshop schedule. We have set enrolment rules at the course level, but when the course is added to a curricu...
Add Exclusion logic within course availability John BilderbeckJuly 25, 2019 15:19Unfollow I would like to exclude certain users who have completed one course from being automatically enrolled in another. Users are all in the same group and departm...
Impersonate user button available on any user report page
Currently to impersonate a user you have to go to Users > Users (list) and select a user. If you are on any other report list page e.g. course enrolments and select a user, the impersonate button is not available. Can it be allowed for system a...