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Online Courses

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Leaderboard points captured/transferred when merging a user with 2 accounts

Currently when a user has 2 accounts and you merge them only the primary email Leaderboard points are retained and a manual fix is then required to add in all the missing points.
11 months ago in Online Courses 0

Self Reported Tasks

The ability to configure a task where a Learner can report their status for the Task with the option for an administrator to approve the status before the learner can proceed with their Course
over 3 years ago in Admin Experience / Core LMS / Learner Experience / Task Lessons 2 Gathering Interest

Waive Users from Curricula or Online Courses

We need the option to be able to mark someone as complete/waived for curricula and/or online courses. This is a requirement for legal purposes to show they are 'certified' but didn't complete the content within the certification.
over 2 years ago in Admin Experience / Curriculum / Online Courses / Reporting 1 Future Consideration

Create a direct link to 1.) a course within a curriculum and 2.) an object within a course

I'd like to be able to share a direct link to 1.) a course within a curriculum (not just a link to the curriculum), and if possible, 2.) a direct link to an object within a course.
over 1 year ago in Online Courses 1

Make resources limited to paid/enrolled users

I have new medical conference courses, and i want to have the presentations downloadable as a resource. I do not want people who have not enrolled/paid to be able to download the documents, as that is half the value and all the written content of ...
almost 2 years ago in Online Courses 3

Add a Lockdown Browser (Respondus)

Absorb needs a lockdown browser. There is a Proctored exam feature on Absorb however Admins need to be able to lockout all other websites during certain exams. Respondus has a program that can be added to Absorb easily and quickly. Absorb would ne...
over 2 years ago in Admin Experience / Curriculum / Instructor Led Courses / Online Courses 1 Future Consideration

Use Course Names (not Tags) for Recommended Courses

I'm recommended that when using/enabling the Recommended Courses feature on the course level that it allows us to select which specific courses we want to have recommended and not base the recommended off tags. Due to needing to use tags, this mea...
over 3 years ago in Online Courses 3 Future Consideration

Photo Uploads

It would be very helpful if you could add photos to course descriptions and session descriptions by uploading a photo instead of having to have a web address. I would like it to work the same as it does for when you upload thumbnail or other photo...
over 3 years ago in Admin Experience / Instructor Led Courses / Online Courses 1 Currently Available

Add expiration date to an individual user's course enrollment

Currently, if I add an expiration date to a course, it affects anyone (everyone) taking that particular course. But what if I want to enroll someone (say John) in a course with a due date of the end o this month and I also want to assign (say Pete...
almost 2 years ago in Online Courses 1 Currently Available

Admin setting without Paced Progress for course review

We'd like to be able to activate a setting for a specific department of users (our certified facilitators/trainers) so that they can view curricula without the paced progress. Currently we need to duplicate large courses and leave paced progress o...
6 months ago in Online Courses 1 Future Consideration