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Option to only display most current certification for completed Courses on Transcript page

Currently we believe the duplicate listings for courses on a user's transcript has the potential to get out of hand and be confusing. We would like the ability to sort chronologically, and only display the most current and relevant courses.
almost 3 years ago in Admin Experience / Certificates 1 Future Consideration

Certificate Source

Under Certificate Source need to be able to go immediately to the version when click upload. Or, make a hover over name so you can see the date of last uploaded.
10 months ago in Certificates / Online Courses 1 Future Consideration

Choice of Curriculum or courses within a Curriculum to be visible in Courses section of Credentials

It's useful to be able to decide what shows up in the Credentials section and where. Learners would benefit to have a clearer understanding of what they've completed. There are several ways this could work: A choice in the Curriculum set up to cho...
about 2 years ago in Certificates / Competencies / Curriculum 1 Future Consideration

Adding admin as a dynamic field in certificates

We have many different departments who want certificates. Adding an admin which would appear in the certificate would be very helpful. User will receive the certificate with their admin who has a closer experience.
about 2 years ago in Certificates / Learner Experience 0

Access to certificates even when turned off at Course level

Currently, a learner is unable to access a completed certificate if the certificate option is later turned off at the course level. This means, previously completed certificates that are no longer being issued are unavailable. For example, Joe Smi...
over 2 years ago in Certificates / Learner Experience 0

Rich Text Editor in Certificate Notes field

It would be great to have Rich Text Editor in the certificates notes field to edit/add the text in bulletins, bold/italic etc -
over 2 years ago in Certificates 1 Future Consideration

In the new user interface, move the certificate to a more visible location

The current placement of the certificate in the outcomes section is not intuitive for users who are using the compact or side bar view.
over 1 year ago in Certificates / Learner Experience 0

Sync Multiple Course Certificate Expiry Dates

An optional function found in the LMS course settings that would allow you to sync two separate course certificate expiry dates. Use case would be subsequent different knowledge level courses where the next course requires achieving at least an eq...
about 2 years ago in Admin Experience / Certificates 0