Absorb is one of the few systems I've ever used that doesn't allow admins to set field mapping, and scheduling for data imports. It seems this entire process is being held tightly simply so absorb can charge each time a change needs to be made wit...
Similar to the ability to impersonate a user, I would find it helpful to have a button when I'm inside a course (editing it) to open the course on the learner side. This would help me "see" it and ensure it's setup how I want it to be setup as wel...
Make saved layouts useable again in "Manage Grades & Attendance"
With this latest update comes new challenges for us. Previously, when the UI of the "Manage Grades & Attendance" page was in A5, we were able to use saved layouts with specific columns that we could use for all of our ILC sessions to pull spec...
Absorb Create: Ability to add another action on click
I have a slide where users select the content they want to view. Once they've viewed the content, they are returned to the selection page. I would like to be able to mark the items they have already clicked on and viewed as complete (adding text o...
When creating Question Banks, sometimes you discover after the fact that a topic truly belongs in a different one from where you put it originally. It would be nice to be able to easily Move it.
Create a glossary of Absorb terms for training new users.
Since Absorb uses a lot of terminology that has multiple meanings in other spheres, it would be nice to have a glossary of terms that can be used to train new users (especially Admins and Creators) about the various definitions and uses. For examp...