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Create Objects in Absorb with HTML Editor

Is there a plan to create content on Absorb directly by having a built-in HTML/Text Editor for Objects in training courses instead of needing to have an external link to content? It would be beneficial to have a rich text editor that allows users ...
over 1 year ago in Create / Object Lessons 0 Unreviewed

Mass edit of availability rules an entire Global Resource Category

We have some categories of resources that we'd like to make available only to specific users (e.g. -- making internal-only system manuals available only to employees). As we upload resources, it involves quite a few clicks to set availability rule...
over 2 years ago in Admin Experience 3 Unreviewed

Course Activity - Edit Multiple Expiry Dates

In the Course Activity report when you select multiple users you can select the Edit Multiple button fom the Mass Actions menu to update fields such as course status, score, or credits for all the users selected. It would be very helpful if the co...
about 1 year ago in Admin Experience 1 Unreviewed

Adding Resources to more then one catagory

We should be able to select more than one catagory hen adding a reqource instead of having to add it more tham once.
about 2 years ago in Admin Experience 1 Reviewed

Individual course due dates visible within Curriculum

It would be helpful if the courses that are added to a curriculum retained their due date rather than the due date defaulting to that of the curriculum. For instance, if a curriculum has 5 courses, and they each have staggered due dates (30, 60, 9...
over 1 year ago in Curriculum 1 Unreviewed

Create a login pop-up for user acknowledgement at login.

We need a pop-up to get our users to acknowledge that they are about to see proprietary information and they may not bring it outside the company.
2 months ago in Banners 0 Unreviewed

In the Catalog be able to create "Ribbons" vs grouping courses into folders

Currently in the Course Catalog if I want to group courses by Category it shows in a "folder icon" . Our users are very visual and the look and feel of the file folders is not appealing. It would be wonderful if we could customize the Catalog furt...
2 months ago in Core LMS / Learner Experience 0 Unreviewed

Add 2 new filters: "Does not start with", and "Does not end with"

Our organization would like to add two NEW filter choices in a select box drop down menu that states “Does Not Start With” or something to that nature to help us filter choices for rules of assignment – those currently present are “Starts With”, “...
almost 3 years ago in Admin Experience / Reporting 0 Reviewed

Configure a Livechat Support Function

The ability to configure a Livechat such that learners and administrators could contact the owner of the LMS for support would provide a simple and easy to use support tool without the need for users to exit the LMS experience to get support
over 3 years ago in Admin Experience / Learner Experience 3 Low Probability of Delivery

Streamlined Curriculum Experience

The ability for a learner to enroll into all of the courses in a curriculum and progress through them without having to return to the curriculum
over 3 years ago in Learner Experience 1 Low Probability of Delivery